English as a New Language (ENL)

The South Colonie Central School District’s English as a New Language (ENL) program provides instructional support to English Language Learners (ELLs), or students whose primary language is not English, and who demonstrate eligibility for ENL services according to the NYS Education Department regulations.

The district’s ENL instructors at the elementary, middle school and high school levels provide instructional support to over 200 students from 25 various languages spoken. ENL instruction is provided at the following buildings: Shaker Road, Forest Park and Saddlewood Elementary Schools, Sand Creek Middle School and Colonie Central High School

The goal of the ENL program is to provide the necessary language and academic support to English Language Learners in order for them to meet the demands of the South Colonie curricula and the Common Core Learning Standards. Each spring the state administers the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT), which provides the language proficiency level for each student. 

Quick Links

Student Resources


Middle School

High School


* While Starfall, PebbleGo, and MyEC have login options,  students shouldn’t be logging in when using those pages.

Parent Resources 

New York State Testing and Assessment links:

Teacher Resources

  • There are hundreds of free ESOL training classes hosted in public schools, government buildings, and places of worship and at community centers throughout the State, including at ONA Opportunity Centers. Some are run by trained teachers, others with volunteer tutors. ENL class list
  • Teach Children ESL – A website created by a small group of teachers who want to help improve the professionalism of those who teach ENL to children.
  • Boggles World ENL – A great resource website of ENL teachers with amazing links.
  • Reading A-Z – A reading resource center for meeting the reading needs of a diverse student population.
  • Coloraro Colorado website English
  • Colorado Colorado website Spanish

ENL Regulations

New York State ENL Regulations