Colonie Central
High School 

2024-2025 Curriculum Guide

Dear Students and Families, 

This curriculum guide is a very important document that describes the courses of study available at Colonie Central High School for the 2024-2025 academic year. This information should be used by parents, students and counselors to plan a program of study which provides both a challenge and an opportunity for success. Communication with counselors and faculty should serve to give students and parents insight into a student’s ability to succeed. Use our staff to provide assistance as you and your parents choose courses and plan a program of study. Faculty recommendations should be considered seriously as valuable input in a student’s ability to succeed at higher levels of study. 

To successfully navigate the Curriculum Guide, you may click the top drop down tab identified as "Pathways" for samples of 4-year scheduling plans per each selected pathway and sub-pathway careers.  You may also navigate the Curriculum Guide by viewing courses dedicated to each subject area department, by clicking the drop down menu labeled "Departments."

Thomas E. Kachadurian 

CCHS Executive Principal


In an effort to help students maintain an active involvement in the academic program of Colonie Central High School and meet the increased New York State academic requirements, minimum enrollment standards have been established. Each student in Grade 9, 10 and 11 must enroll in a minimum of six credits plus physical education each semester. Each student in Grade 12 must enroll in a minimum of five credits plus physical education each semester. Courses listed in this booklet will be offered contingent upon meeting the district’s minimum enrollment requirements and staffing capabilities. All courses are capped at a specific number of students. Priority enrollment will be given to upper class students (i.e. 12th grade first, 11th grade next, etc.). The cost of college credits are estimated based on 2023-2024 costs (subject to college discretion).